App based New Transport System in India - Scooter Taxi

Thousands and lacs of people daily takes Auto, Taxi, App based cab services or Public Transport like Metro, Bus, Train. If, we are travelling in group of 2 or more people private transport is affordable but when anyone is individual, cost of that small journey becomes higher. There is huge market for individual travellor for 3km to 25 km distance, the distance is not far but unavailability of facility and services gives birth to new business.
Business model
App Based scooter booking model alike App based Taxi. The best advantage of going with APP based transport facility is safety and security which shall be taken care by App company. A Scooter owner can start business from day1, college students can start earning during their studies. 
Privacy during journey - A 2 feet divider can be fixed between driver and guest.
Travelling Time - This could be punchline for promotion, as in top 10 cities Road traffick is major concern in every journey. A Scooter will always reach faster during rush hours than any other transport option available.
Rates could be 4/- per km to 6/- per km depending upon traffick.
Than, we have all the options as per numbers in journey.
1 Individual - App Based Scooter
2 Passenger - App based Cab ( Pool)
3 Passenger - Auto Rikshaw
4 Passenger - App based Cab / Taxi
